Sunday, July 1, 2012

In the Garden

And to think, we almost didn't even plant one this year.

We thought we were leaving, MOVING....and who know's, there is still time left in this year!
Dan is up for a promotion and a few months back he interviewed for a new position back to California. But after much consideration, I mean A LOT, we decide for now, we are ok where we are. He is still up for the promotion when an opening comes available, but we just didn't want to go back to Cali. Not right now.

The one thing we look forward to each year is planting a garden. In the past we've used the community garden but after our small garden in our yard last year, we decided we'd opt to do another one. At first, due to the very thought of moving, I didn't want to go and do ALL that work just to leave when our garden started to bloom. So I stalled a bit. Meanwhile, my sweet husband cheered me on saying "let's just plant it and see what happens". Me, I just was so hesitant. Probably because on our last round of moving, well, it was very hard. I still think about it, and the fig trees and all the work we put into remodeling and then having to move. Nonetheless, you can say I drug my feet about the whole garden thing.

One morning, Dan went out and started to till up the garden boxes and for a moment I saw his vision- Not putting our lives on hold anymore due to things that were out of our control at that time. So I gave in...and in went the garden. My sweet husband worked so hard, he even gave me a pretty new space for all of our's sort of the spot away from home because the kids can never find us over there. Gracie is the biggest give away! Where ever Dan and I are, there sits Gracie.

I am so grateful for my sweet husbands willingness in helping this little garden thrive. We now have 18 squash plants, 9 cucumber plants, 2 butternut plants, acorn squash, broccoli, green beans, lots and lots of tomatoes (salsa here we come) onions, eggplant and asparagus.
Everyday when I look out the kitchen window I am reminded of how much I am loved and how grateful I am for the garden that almost wasn't.
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